The sushi is great and the scorpion bowls are potent and do their job. I go with my friend who happens to be part of the gay community at least once a month and find that we always leave with a smile on our faces. The servers don’t speak much but their always very nice and never seem to have a issue serving two flamboyant gays after having a few scorpion bowls, even when we get silly and loud. This place is one of my favorites!
The sushi is great and the scorpion bowls are potent and do their job. I go with my friend who happens to be part of the gay community at least once a month and find that we always leave with a smile on our faces. The servers don’t speak much but their always very nice and never seem to have a issue serving two flamboyant gays after having a few scorpion bowls, even when we get silly and loud. This place is one of my favorites!