Edgewood Presbyterian Church is an open and affirming congregation drawing its membership from throughout the Birmingham metropolitan area. This means they are welcome to worship and to bring their whole self to this community. Whatever age, race, ethnicity, physical or mental ability, education, financial status, employment, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, there is a sacred space for each of us to participate fully in the life of EPC.
Their Mission
They joyfully proclaim the gospel of God’s love. As a diverse and inclusive community of believers, they celebrate their unity in Christ. They believe they are called to compassionate service in our congregation, in their community, and in the world. Edgewood invites all who want to explore the great mystery of faith and paths of discipleship to join them.
From its beginning in 1912, this congregation has been devoted to faithful worship, teaching, and learning. As people who have experienced brokenness, we can testify that Christ Jesus lives to bind up the brokenhearted and heal the suffering. We feel a special calling to represent the peace of God — in our church, in our community, and in our lives as Christian disciples.
Following Christ’s own example, we seek to involve ourselves in the lives of those in need, through our denominational mission programs, as well as through local ministries. Our faith calls us to work where others feel separation, and we are committed to proclaiming God’s demand for justice for all creation.
We describe our worship as “traditional-relaxed.” We combine ancient tradition with the goal of taking Jesus more seriously than we take ourselves.
So we sing hymns accompanied by an organ, while finding time to laugh and get creative in our praise. We strive to include worshipers of all ages in our service and offer a welcome seat and open table to all who wish to join us.
The Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion) is shared each Sunday, with a gluten-free option available.
Edgewood Presbyterian Church is a member congregation in the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and a More Light Congregation. We invite ALL who seek Christ as Lord to join us in our celebration of renewal and our pilgrimage with God in the World. And we really mean this.
Get Involved!
Sunday (nursery care provided)
Worship, with communion: 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School for all ages: 10:45 a.m.
Youth Group: 5 pm
Wednesdays (during the school year, nursery care provided)
5 pm: Handbell Choir Rehearsal
6 pm: Fellowship Supper & Program
7 pm: Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Fridays (during the school year)
7 am – Men’s Bible Study
Primary Purpose (Alcoholics Anonymous)
Sunday – 1:30 pm
Monday – 5:30 pm
Wednesday – 8 pm
Saturday – 12:30 & 5:30 pm
In addition to the above, Edgewood is proud to be the home of the Birmingham Girls Choir and host to support groups of Community Grief Support, several Girl Scout Troops, concerts of the Magic City Choral Society, and other community events throughout the year.
If you have any questions at all, please contact their pastor, Reverend Joe Genau – he’d love to hear from you!
Contact Details
- Phone: 1-205-871-4302
- Email: pastor@edgewoodpc.org
- Website: http://www.edgewoodpc.org
- Address: 850 Oxmoor Rd Homewood, Alabama 35209

There are not enough words to describe EPC. It’s the most inclusive congregation I have ever been privileged to be a member of!
Pretty much the coolest bunch to worship with.
I love Edgewood Church and am so blessed to serve God through the ministry of this church.
This warm and welcoming church is open to all – gay and straight, young and old, brown, black and white, those whose relationship with God is on a firm footing and those who wrestle with religious questions. The worship services are reverent but also very approachable. The congregation’s focus is on the greater community, not just on its own needs.
Edgewood Presbyterian Church has long used the slogan “Open Hearted- Open Minded.” Slogans are meaningless if not genuine. In the case of EPC it is completely genuine. Edgewood is a truly welcoming congregation and a diverse. EPC became a More Light congregation early in 2011. Those in the LGBT community have long been welcomed at Edgewood and have served as Elders, Deacons and choir members. Edgewood recently conducted its first same sex marriage between two long time members. Edgewood PC and the Presbyterian Church USA embrace equal rights and opportunities for all. I have been a member for 63 years. I love the church and its people. I believe if you visit, you will too.