Extremely conservative and non-gay friendly. They do not accept any marriage except one man, one woman, and then only if there have been no previous marriages (exception in the case of infidelity). They may say they love all people, but are strongly of the “love the sinner, hate the sin” variety of Christian. I personally was involved within the community for a few years, taking marriage and family classes. Extremely patriarchal and heteronormative to the point of assuming that anyone who believes in God must be, as well. Women are not even allowed to be ushers. Their advice to gay Christians is celibacy.
Anonymous - Birmingham,AL
June 1, 2015
This group is incredibly fundamentalist in their teaching. They even condemn Southern Baptists for being too liberal socially. Basically, they’re convinced everyone who doesn’t go to a Church of Christ that is like theirs is going to hell. Yes, that includes anyone in the LGBTQ community.
Extremely conservative and non-gay friendly. They do not accept any marriage except one man, one woman, and then only if there have been no previous marriages (exception in the case of infidelity). They may say they love all people, but are strongly of the “love the sinner, hate the sin” variety of Christian. I personally was involved within the community for a few years, taking marriage and family classes. Extremely patriarchal and heteronormative to the point of assuming that anyone who believes in God must be, as well. Women are not even allowed to be ushers. Their advice to gay Christians is celibacy.
This group is incredibly fundamentalist in their teaching. They even condemn Southern Baptists for being too liberal socially. Basically, they’re convinced everyone who doesn’t go to a Church of Christ that is like theirs is going to hell. Yes, that includes anyone in the LGBTQ community.