Pop’s Pizza 1 5 1 1

Pop’s Pizza

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1 Reviews

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  1. I recently went there with my partner for pizza. Not only were we blatantly laughed at by the employees. But we were also pointed at, talk about and laughed at when the employees proceeded to involve the customers in the restaurant. After messaging the owners via Facebook about our experience, although they were very apologetic, they didn’t seem too concerned with their employees actions, and sounded as though they would only get a mere slap on the wrist. Needless to say we do not recommend this establishment to anyone.

    Pop’s Pizza Response:
    We have spoken with the employees in question and they reassured a that this incident is not as it seems. They were not directing any comments at these two men and have said that they had other friends inside the shop at the same time and they were only speaking and laughing with them about 100% unrelated material. We wish to believe the employees in this situation because the values and beliefs of inclusion and education about the LGBT community is something we believe in at Pop’s Pizza.

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