Saint Junia United Methodist Church 10 5 5 5

Saint Junia United Methodist Church

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5 Reviews

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  1. The church leadership and members are extremely supportive of the LGBT community on a public basis. The pastor wrote and presented a resolution (which passed!) to the North Alabama Conference of the United Methodist Church, which called on churches to encourage families to support gay and lesbian youth and to work with schools to prevent bullying. On a social level, they also promote and attend PRIDE Bingo.

  2. The community at Saint Junia is specifically created to reach out to those who have been burned by traditional church. There is a heavy emphasis on social justice and equality. They are a small group (usually between 30-40 every worship), but they are loving and caring. They’re growing and making a difference in the community.

  3. As an ally with many LGTBQ persons I love dearly, I couldn’t possibly go to a church where LGTBQ persons aren’t celebrated. That’s right- not simply accepted, prayed for, ignored, or plain not hated- celebrated. That means it had been years since I had been in church. Saint Junia is wonderful because our LGTBQ partners and visitors are valued and in leadership roles. It’s the perfect place for those that have been hurt by church in the past or asked to check their brains at the door. We’re a diverse community of sinners, saints, and skeptics joining God in the renewal of all things. These aren’t just words. I think the proudest of I’ve ever been of our little church was when our normally introverted, nerdy pastor danced on the courthouse steps in a tie-dyed “God Shows No Partiality” t-shirt to distract from those protesting same-sex marriage. Check him out below.

  4. St Junia has in its mission statement that they exist to serve the community and embrace all races, genders, gender expressions and identities, sexual orientations, physical abilities, and mental abilities. My experience there has included both a straight man (the pastor) preaching and a gay woman preaching. Both gay and straight people have served communion to me there. Families and children of all ages are also welcomed there and seem to thrive.

  5. The environment at Saint Junia is built on inclusion. It is a place where I can go as a skeptic to freely explore the intersection of faith and doubt. It really is a unique community, a church within the evangelical tradition that doesn’t diminish but fully embraces LGBTQ believers, our innate attractions, and the love we have for our partners.

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