High Five Crate&Barrel
You know, it’s the little things you do for people to really show them you care. It’s what this time of year is all about. Well, that and countless bits of junk mail that seem to come from nowhere. Except for the Crate&Barrel catalog I signed up for.
Confession: Hayden and I use to walk through the store almost everyday on our walks to the park. So today, as Hayden napped I figured I would take a break and enjoy one of my favorite pastimes: a leisurely flip through this dreamy catalog.
Only a few pages in I noticed a cute little wine bag, you know the kind. The one you slip a nice bottle of wine into for your next holiday party. When I realized it said “Mr. & Mr.” – BOOM! – a total smile crept across my face. And it only got better. Next to the “Mr. & Mr.”, the forefront image for this item is a “Mrs. & Mrs.” For the record, they also have a “Mr. & Mrs.” option but it’s the third option listed.
It’s a little act of acknowledgment from a big company that brought a lot of joy to my heart. They obviously know who they’re selling to (wine and gay dads go hand in hand!). I’m excited that they value some of their best customers enough to cater to us! Thanks Crate&Barrel. As always, you’re on my holiday shopping list.
Check out Crate & Barrel’s review on Hayden’s List here.