“There’s hope.”
Michael Richman and John Rabbia met three years ago at NYC Pride when they joined a group of flag dancers named, “The Flaggots.” After dating long-distance, finally they found themselves in the same city so John decided to propose. For the perfect proposal he received help from the whole Flaggots team. During their routine at NYC Pride in June, John emerged out of an abundance of LGBT flags, got down on one knee and proposed to Michael.
The video has gone viral so quickly that some relatives are finding out about the engagement via social media. John explained to BuzzFeed that the video is very uplifting especially after the recent tragedy in Orlando. “The Orlando tragedy was so heartbreaking and everyone in the community was so upset and devastated,” he said. “It’s nice there’s a ray of sunshine at the end. There are new beginnings and our community is resilient. Maybe it gives people something to latch onto.”
“There is hope,” he said.