HL’s Advocate of the Week: Kyle Pugh of Birmingham, Alabama


Congratulations to HL’s Advocate of the Week: Kyle Pugh of Birmingham, Alabama

What did Kyle have to say about Hayden’s List?

“I love having Hayden’s List in my community because as a person living in the Deep South many times our allies are not as “out” and noticeable as they could be even if their intentions are great! Likewise, our enemies are often wolves in sheep’s clothing! Hayden’s list helps us to choose wisely when trying to support those businesses that support our community! I use it weekly and refer friends to it daily!”

How has Kyle advocated for Hayden’s List?

Kyle is the President of Central Alabama Pride and has been instrumental in helping Hayden’s List come out in his community, through local events and by submitting numerous local reviews!

Thanks Kyle, for advocating for us in your community!

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